Welcome to my place on the web!

Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Sheree and I've been married to my husband, Doug, for twenty years. We have four children, Jessica (19), Jeremy (16), Andrew (13) and Sarah (11). I am a Christian homeschooling mom and I've been homeschooling since my oldest was in Kindergarten. It's been quite an adventure, and one I wouldn't trade for any other career. I'm here to share my own experiences and all that God has and currently is faithfully walking me through in my life.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sky Events

Have you ever watched a lunar eclipse? We've seen it quite a few times, but it never ceases to amaze me and the kids really enjoy watching it each time it occurs. Last week there was a lunar eclipse. We love learning about space and have observed lots of sky wonders. I usually look up whatever sky event we're going to observe and we study it ahead of the event. You can find lots of stuff online. Knowing we're going to actually observe what we are studying spikes their curiosity. (check out www.space.com and sign up for their newsletter)

They have learned so much, and they retain so much more than I ever did by studying things out of a book in school even a student that was always on the honor roll. I would memorize for tests, but I didn't enjoy or retain much. But, when they know an event is coming up and that we are going to go, their natural curiosity is aroused. When they are interested, they retain so much more.

This is the moon part way through the eclipse taken over the shop where Doug works. We took this when we dropped him off at work. He kept going out and looking it, and had some of the guys coming out to join him. They all wondered what we were looking at and taking pictures of. :o)

a photo from the internet

I asked Jeremy to hold my glasses so I could look through the binoculars. :o)

Andrew and Sarah sitting on the car watching the eclipse.

Another thing we've really enjoyed is meteorite showers. About five years ago we saw the best one we've ever seen! I made hot chocolate and bought Milky Way candy bars (get it?!) and a bunch of blankets,sleeping bags and pillows. We drove out to a nature center where it was very dark, and layed out under the stars. First we'd just see a few here or there, enough to keep our attention. But finally, more towards morning, the real show began. There were continuous "shooting stars" all over the sky, many all at once. There were also earthgrazers, which are larger pieces of space junk. They are bigger than your typical shooting stars, they last longer, and they leave a streak of light behind them. Really cool to see! My kids thought this was the best!

photo from the internet

Another thing we were REALLY excited to get to see was the Northern Lights! I had heard we might be able to observe them in our area. I stayed up late, peeking out to the north every so often. After many times of disappointment I went out on the porch and thought I could see some wierd lights in the distance. I stayed out a bit, and knew it wasn't my imagination any longer. I went and excitedly (ask them!) woke Doug and the kids. We went out on the porch and could see green lights. We threw everyone in the van and drove to the lake where we'd have a clear view. It was breathtaking!! I don't think any of us will ever forget it. The kids and I all wrote papers about it later.

We've gone out to observe the Harvest Moon, Strawberry Moon, moonglow, all kinds of neat things. Have you ever heard of sundogs or moondogs? We haven't observed them, but we've studied them online and are watching for them! And, we're looking forward to seeing more!

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