Welcome to my place on the web!

Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Sheree and I've been married to my husband, Doug, for twenty years. We have four children, Jessica (19), Jeremy (16), Andrew (13) and Sarah (11). I am a Christian homeschooling mom and I've been homeschooling since my oldest was in Kindergarten. It's been quite an adventure, and one I wouldn't trade for any other career. I'm here to share my own experiences and all that God has and currently is faithfully walking me through in my life.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


What possessed me to go out and get a puppy? I'm not sure! I'm attributing it to whacky hormones at the time. :o) The younger two have been begging for a puppy for a long time. So, welcome Vivian! Vivian was just seven weeks old when I picked her up. She's a Lab/Terrier mix and is now eleven weeks old. Look at that face! Who could resist?!

Ahh, the adventures! She cried for the first couple of weeks, at night. Now, it's been a few years since I have not been able to sleep all night. We ended up taking turns sleeping on the couch with her in a crate next to us. One night Jeremy was up with her and I had gone to bed. I was about to drift off to sleep when he was at my door, knocking agressively and telling me I HAD to come see the puppy. I stumbled out of bed and threw on some clothes. I opened the door, WOAH, what happened to that cute little face. She looked deformed!

Scary, huh? So, I'm in the kitchen, half awake mind you, trying to measure a dose of Benadryl for a puppy that weighed only five pounds. First I tried to have her lick it out of my hand. Yeah, right. What was I thinking?! Next, I tipped her head back and opened up her mouth and poured it straight down the hatch. She slowly transformed back into that cute little puppy we fell in love with.

We discovered a dead spider on the floor where she was playing the next morning. We're guessing it bit her and she had an allergic reaction. It hasn't happened again, yet. Never a dull moment.

Besides that little incident, we're having lots of fun with her. The kids love to take her on walks and are training her. She knows sit, stay, down, up (she jumps up and touches your hand). The one things she doesn't get? Come! We say with as much enthusiasm as we can muster. In fact, you'd die laughing if you could peek in our window and watch the extent we go to to try to get her to come. Nope. Not yet. Ah well. Every one learns at their own pace, right? Time will tell.

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