Welcome to my place on the web!

Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Sheree and I've been married to my husband, Doug, for twenty years. We have four children, Jessica (19), Jeremy (16), Andrew (13) and Sarah (11). I am a Christian homeschooling mom and I've been homeschooling since my oldest was in Kindergarten. It's been quite an adventure, and one I wouldn't trade for any other career. I'm here to share my own experiences and all that God has and currently is faithfully walking me through in my life.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Jeremy!!

Am I really old enough to have a 17 year old son?! Guess so! Boy the time really does fly. I remember my Mom always telling me to enjoy the kids while they were little because the time goes so fast. At the time all I could think of was, easy for you to say, you're past the little ones stage. :o) But, as usual, Mom was right,and now I find myself telling mom's of younger children the same. The years do fly by! Seems I was just in the hospital holding a ten pound baby boy!

We had fun today. Jeremy woke to birthday greetings on the steps coming up from his room. Andrew is quite the comedian, and each of those papers he created on the computer say, "Merry Christmas" many times over. :o) Jeremy got a kick out of it.

For the past few years Jeremy has requested chicken wings for his birthday dinner. This year was no different. I cooked them in the oven and finished them off on the grill to make them crispy. They were great! He also requested chips and salsa and deviled eggs. He had to remind me to put paprika on the deviled eggs. Here's Jeremy posing for me, what a character! Here's Jeremy with his cheesecake, another of his favorites.That's 17 candles!!Sarah also made this chocolate cake.Finally, here's Jeremy with the little party favors I got just for a joke. I am a very lucky Mom. Jeremy often comes up to me and hugs me while saying (in the voice he uses for talking to the puppy), "Who's a good Mommy?". I am blessed. I love you Jeremy. Happy Birthday!!


Homeschooling Momma said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy - Hope you have a wonderful day! We miss you all! Tonya

Sheree said...

Jeremy says,"Thanks!". :o)

Brenda said...

Jeremy Happy Birthday from all of us to you!!!!!!
WOW 17 where has the time gone?

Sheree said...

I'll pass it on to him, Brenda! Glad we're walking through this parenting experience together. I'm praying for you. You're safe under the shadow of His wings. Love, Sheree