Welcome to my place on the web!

Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Sheree and I've been married to my husband, Doug, for twenty years. We have four children, Jessica (19), Jeremy (16), Andrew (13) and Sarah (11). I am a Christian homeschooling mom and I've been homeschooling since my oldest was in Kindergarten. It's been quite an adventure, and one I wouldn't trade for any other career. I'm here to share my own experiences and all that God has and currently is faithfully walking me through in my life.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Shopping With Children, You Have To Read This!

This is the funniest thing I've seen on ebay! I'm having trouble when posting the link, so take a moment to search for 955thefish.com. When you locate it, on the right hand side of the page you'll see "Website of the Day" and click on it. Go down the list until you see "Funny Ebay Auction". It's worth the little trouble of finding it, trust me!

Read it and see if you can relate. It sure brought back memories of the lectures and escapades I had when my kids were all little. If you have younger children and haven't experienced this type of pleasure yet, start practicing the rules of shopping now. It's never too soon. And, prepare yourself for adventures. Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Homeschooling Momma said...

I finally found it! That was too funny! Tonya