Welcome to my place on the web!

Hi! Welcome to my blog! My name is Sheree and I've been married to my husband, Doug, for twenty years. We have four children, Jessica (19), Jeremy (16), Andrew (13) and Sarah (11). I am a Christian homeschooling mom and I've been homeschooling since my oldest was in Kindergarten. It's been quite an adventure, and one I wouldn't trade for any other career. I'm here to share my own experiences and all that God has and currently is faithfully walking me through in my life.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Beautiful Fall Days

Yesterday was such a gorgeous day that after church we stopped to have a picnic. Then we decided to go to the nature center and walk the the surrounding trails. It was a spur of the moment picnic, so we picked up fast food. I cook from scratch and am not a fast food fan, but the kids enjoyed it. Have you seen the two headed turtle in the news? Pretty cool, huh?

Bet you didn't know I had my own, did ya?! :o)

Anyone have a good exterminator?
Beautiful Fall Leaves

Stairway to Heaven (or pretty close!)

Yes, we climbed it. Yes, I pulled a muscle. Yes, I'm limping today. Hoping I'll have angel escorts when it my time to head to heaven, cuz I don't think I'll be tackling those stairs again for a while! :o) You can see for miles from the top, which we didn't *quite* make it to as the younger two are afraid of heights!

Andrew and Sarah in their "backyard". That's what we've always called the zoo and nature centers as we spend so much time there. Get out and enjoy the fall weather while you can. Before you know it, dare I say it, winter will be upon us! And ... you know what that means.

1 comment:

Homeschooling Momma said...

Love the pics! Ryan says "Hi" and that he wants you to come visit very soon! (We all do) Tonya